Your Brand on Instagram

Is Your Brand on Instagram Yet?

One of the best free marketing strategies you can use to promote your brand and products by having having your brand on Instagram. Over the past four years, Instagram has grown significantly as more companies have created accounts to engage new consumers. Eric Sornoso offers eight reasons why to have your brand on Instagram in his…

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Big Data is Secretly Scoring You

Big Data is Secretly Scoring You

Your credit score is a powerful tool that businesses use to measure your creditworthiness. However, big data could be ranking you on more than just your credit. Your credit score is based upon credit history and your ability to pay back debt and loans. Companies use credit scores to determine if you are financially responsible…

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Overusing Facebook Hashtags Can Hurt Your Brand

Overusing Facebook Hashtags Can Hurt Your Brand

Hashtags are an important tool to have when promoting your brand on social media. However, overusing Facebook hashtags can be just as harmful as it is helpful. Hashtags – you either love them or you hate them. Hashtags have become so popular that people include them in social media posts, text messaging and even verbal…

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Technology Has Completely Rewired Our Brains

How Technology Has Completely Rewired Our Brains

Mashable Blogger, Rebecca Hiscott, discusses how technology has caused changes to our physiology over the last ten years, completely rewiring our brains. In her article, “8 Ways Tech Has Completely Rewired Our Brains,” Rebecca explains the positive and negative impacts technology has had on our brains such as changes in sleep patterns and decreased attention…

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6 Quick-Fix Tips For Reputation Repair

6 Quick-Fix Tips For Reputation Repair

The new year is here and it’s time to take control of your business’ online reputation. Negative press can spread very quickly and reputation repair can be very difficult. Your online reputation should be taken as seriously as your offline reputation. Your company should have a comprehensive reputation management and reputation repair plan including how…

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Three Big Privacy Changes to Plan for in 2014

Three Big Privacy Changes to Plan for in 2014

Internet users continue to have serious concerns about their online privacy, but new privacy changes ahead in 2014 could help put their minds at ease. The recent security breaches at Snapchat and Target continue to shine the spotlight on privacy concerns. State and Federal legislators are cracking down on online privacy regulations this year. Kate Kaye explores the three major privacy…

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A Day in the Life of a Musician

A Day in the Life of a Musician

San Diego’s live music scene is not nearly what it was back in the 1980s and 90s. That’s a sad fact that music-seeking residents have had to live with for a while. Venues are expensive to run, [good] bands or musician don’t play for free/cheap, liquor laws are strict, and DJ culture has boomed. That…

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Social Media Users Suffer from FOMO

Social Media Users Suffer From FOMO

Logging into social media accounts has quickly become one of the most widely accepted addictions in our society, and social media users are suffering from FOMO because of it. We check our social media profiles from the minute we wake up until the moment we go to sleep. This syndrome now has a name –…

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The Evolution of Social Media

The Evolution of Social Media

When was the last time you checked your Facebook page? This morning? 10 minutes ago? Many people today don’t realize how much the evolution of social media has impacted their lives on a daily basis. The Evolution of Social Media In the late 1990’s, AOL kicked off the social media movement with their online messaging program…

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Springtime Social Media News

Springtime Social Media News

Keeping up with every ounce of news can be very time consuming. We realize that not everyone has the time to read the paper and keep up with the latest social media news. Here at Parallel Interactive, we are dedicated to keeping our readers up to date with the latest industry and social media news.…

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Social Media For Your Business

Social Media for Your Business

Social media… It’s the phrase of the decade. There’s Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn just to name a few. These days it seems like everyone is pinning, tweeting, and posting to each other.

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Social Media Trends for 2013

Social Media Trends For 2013

The new year is officially here and it’s time get those marketing campaigns ramped up with social media trends for 2013. If you’re business still isn’t using social media, you might want to think again because social media is here to stay. Recently, Hootsuite CEO, Ryan Holmes complied a list of projected trends in social media for…

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