Improve your content marketing strategy with better blogging by making sure your blog is in good shape.
Stacey Roberts, author at ProBlogger, shares a few better blogging steps you can take to make 2017 your blog’s best year yet.
The first step is the brainstorming stage. Go to your local coffee shop, take a walk, or just find a quiet place to daydream. Where do you see yourself in the next few years? How will your blog help you accomplish that? Think about yourself and your business goals and write everything down.
The next step is a little more complicated. After brainstorming the big picture, break down what you can work towards this year and what is achievable on a practical level. List everything. For example:
- How many posts you want to write
- What topics you want to cover
- How many readers you want to reach
- How you can grow your audience
- How many conversions you want to make
- How much money you’d like to earn
Next to each bullet, write three steps you can take this year to work towards that goal. If you want to get more detailed, break each item down to monthly, weekly, or daily tasks.
Set a Goal
Big or small, you need something to work towards. Goals create motivation as well as parameters to gauge whether or not you’re on the right track. Hold yourself accountable and review your progress often.