One of the best ways for a business to capture leads is with a smooth landing page.
Done properly, a landing page can get a high number of website visitors to provide their contact information for future lead generation. Knowing how to create a smooth landing page, however, can prove difficult. A recent article on Hubspot provides 3 tips on creating an effective landing page.
According to the article, before you create a landing page, you need to understand the idea of “call-to-action buttons.” In order to convince people to navigate to your landing page, you need a call-to-action message that will motivate them to learn more about your business. Once you have a compelling message to drive people to your landing page, there are a few easy things you can do to improve your page.
First, make sure your landing page matches your “call-to-action message.” People follow a link expecting to immediately find information of the topic. If they don’t recognize the information on the landing page right away, they are likely to leave.
Second, keep the required information fields to a minimum. Four essential fields exist for starting lead generation: Name, Phone Number, E-mail, and Company. If any additional information is needed, consider making it “optional.”
Third, make your landing page flexible, so it can prove useful later down the road. Keeping your landing page easy-to-change will save you valuable time and resources.