Customer Journey Mapping Tips

Customer Journey Mapping Tips

Visualize your digital experience, increase lead conversions, and build brand loyalty with our customer journey mapping tips. From initial brand awareness and site browsing to final purchase, the customer journey includes the entire lifecycle of a customer. A customer journey map is a visual outline of the process a customer or lead goes through to…

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2021 Social Media Trends

2022 Social Media Trends

Grow your social media audience, create more conversions to your site, and increase your ROI with the top 2022 social media trends from HubSpot. It will be harder than ever for marketers to get noticed on social media in 2022. We recommend taking some time to learn more about the latest trends to keep campaigns…

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Best Inbound Marketing Solutions

Best Inbound Marketing Solutions for 2017

Hubspot is one of the best inbound marketing and sales systems for managing and bringing in new clients and customers. Depending on your client base and the size of your business, however, it may not be the best inbound marketing solution for you. Andrei Holobut of MashCommerce shares a few alternative platforms and discusses the…

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Popular Websites Then vs. Now

Popular Websites Then vs. Now

Some of today’s most popular websites have drastically changed since their early days on the World Wide Web. How many of your favorite, popular websites have transformed? Amanda Zantal-Wiener answers this question in her Hubspot blog, “Blast From the Past: 7 Websites That Were One Thing, But Now They’re Another.” Amazon Launched in 1994, Amazon’s…

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Avoid These Blogging Mistakes

Avoid These Blogging Mistakes

Content marketing is becoming more and more prevalent in the digital marketing realm. If you’re new to the blogosphere, be extra careful not to make simple blogging mistakes. Hubspot contributor Richard Stephens outlines blogging mistakes of what not to do in his article, “7 Blogging Bloopers Your Business Will Want to Avoid.” Here are the top…

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Finding Inspiration in Unexpected Places

Finding Inspiration in Unexpected Places

Inspiration is an abstract, intangible influence that gives you positive motivation towards your work. However, finding inspiration can be tricky. Writer’s block, trouble focusing, and laziness are all common symptoms of simply feeling uninspired. Erik Devaney, Content Strategist at HubSpot, describes how finding inspiration can often come from unlikely sources and where we can find…

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Using Color Psychology in Social Media Marketing

Using Color Psychology in Social Media Marketing

When it comes to social media marketing, color reigns supreme. Over 92 percent of people say that visual stimulation is the #1 influencing factor affecting their purchase decision. Harmonious colors engage viewers and attract customers to your brand. Digital Marketing Consultant Wade Harman explains the importance of color psychology in social media marketing in his…

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Amazon Integrates Facebook

Amazon Integrates Facebook

Amazon integrates Facebook into their online marketplace. Now, Amazon integrates Facebook into their online marketplace and allows users to do countless things with their social media profiles. For example, users can search and find recommendations for movies, music, and other products based on their very own Facebook profiles. They can also see upcoming birthdays, create Amazon…

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