Facebook Reveals Emotional Impact of Posts

Facebook Reveals Emotional Impact of Posts

Feeling a little down after looking through your Facebook feed this morning? It could be because of the emotional impact you are receiving from the negative vibes in the posts you read. Roger Segelken and Stacy Shackford report in their article, “News Feed: ‘Emotional Contagion’ Sweeps Facebook,” that people have an emotional impact from what…

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Brand Journalism Debut

Plan Your Brand Journalism Debut

Beware of stories that aim to promote your brand at the expense of value added information. Instead, include a healthy rotation of do-it-yourself “how to” tips, lifestyle articles and expert interviews that give consumers helpful advice that maximizes their experience with your product or establishes you as a reliable resource.

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Facebook Fans

Why Your Facebook Fans are Tuning You Out

Despite its hundreds of millions of users, finding Facebook fans for your business can be difficult. A recent article by Jay Baer discusses the problem many companies face: simply being ignored by their Facebook fans. A major contributor to this problem is that many people simply don’t know the purpose of Facebook. A new study…

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Is Google Trying to Kill You?

This past week, Google made one of the largest changes to its algorithm in company history, and many companies weren’t so happy about it. Nearly 12 percent of its search results were affected by this change, and the SEO community is in an uproar. A recent article on CNN explains that Google uses an algorithm…

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Facebook Marketing Potential

Facebook Marketing Potential

Social media is a major topic today, and Facebook is leading the pack of all social media avenues. An article on Social Media Examiner describes a recent study by market researcher Morpace. It reported that Facebook users are on the site 1 of every 3 minute they spend online and that 18-34 year olds are…

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