Whether you’re starting a business or looking to grow your company, marketing strategy is key and there are several reasons why Facebook should be a part of it.
Manish Dudharejia, co-founder of E2M and MoveoApps, recommends setting a budget and using one social media marketing channel at a time in order to determine your ROI and decide whether it’s worth your time and money. Here are a few reasons why Facebook will be the digital marketing platform to beat in 2017.
The Custom Audience Tool
Facebook allows users to upload contact lists with emails, UIDs, and phone numbers in order to create specifically targeted ads, a helpful feature for businesses of all sizes. Dudharejia even believes that Facebook’s custom targeting may have helped Donald Trump win the 2016 election.
Facebook Live
Video content, especially live, has proven extremely successful for engagements and sharing. Facebook Live allow you to give customers a behind-the-scenes look at your company, show them previews of products, and promote events.
As more and more businesses begin selling their products on Facebook, people will be spending more time on the platform. Chatbots are a great way to handle customer interactions. You’ll be able to use chatbots to create messages that include images, links, and call to action buttons.
Facebook’s users have doubled in the last four years. If this trend continues, you’ll have more and more people to market to in the coming years, and advertising features will be cheaper and more advanced over time. Facebook has demonstrated their staying power by launching many innovative features in the past year, such as Facebook Professional Services, Uber/Lyft integration, non-profit crowdfunding, and the Facebook Shopping Tab.